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How are We Addressing Responsible Consumption and Production?

The United Nation's Global Goals for Sustainable Development has 17 goals out of which Goal #12 is Responsible Consumption and Production. The goal is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. To make it possible to achieve this goal, 11 targets are laid out to create on-ground action.

The targets that we work towards are to enable youth to be more conscious and responsible future global citizens. We do this through a volunteer-driven youth movement that spreads awareness, fund-raises through events and organises camps in 3 themed areas - self-exploration, environment-consciousness and responsible entrepreneurship.

While we understand the importance of working on each of the targets, at the outset we are focusing on the following:

Target 12.5 - Substantially Reduce Waste Generation

Target: By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.
How do we work on this?

1) At every step of our work, we emphasise and practice what we call as the path of least waste creation.

2) Youth volunteers are trained before organising and executing events/camps on a model that is based on PRRR (Prevent, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

3) One of our metrics of any camp/event success is based on how less waste we generated.

4) Our awareness campaigns are centrally themed around substantial reduction in waste generation.

Target 12.8 - Promote Universal Understanding Of Sustainable Lifestyles

Target: By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.
How do we work on this?

1) Environment-consciousness camps and awareness drives are structured to include practical methods of living sustainable and mindful lifestyles.

2) Our modules include not just theory but hands-on work and actionable plans people across age groups.

3) The practical tools that we have created are derived from global and indigenous best practices and the innumerable experiments and accumulated experiences throughout our lives.

To achieve SDG #13 Climate Action, we are focusing on SDG #17 Partnerships For The Goals

If you would like to volunteer with us OR want us to organise a camp in your school/college OR you would like to collaborate with us as an organisation or educator, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us at careers@karunachal.org